Austerity beyond the media hype
Austerity beyond the media hype
Whenever I switch on any news channel, I find some kind of debate or discussion on austerity. The entire focus is on Ministers and elected representatives particularly Members of Parliament. I really wonder the use of word austerity by the media for travel in economy class. Austerity is not limited to such a step which can be explained by word economy measures. Probably to have economy of use of words, media is using austerity for the longer expression economy measure.
The way our party leaders Sonia Gandhiji and Rahul Gandhiji have converted the issue into a trend setter for the economy measures in the country once again establishes the effectiveness of leadership in leading by example. Preachers should start with practice is oft repeated saying with good number of expression variants and the characters in the lead role.
As it happens in politics, there is an instant reaction of disbelief, doubt and distrust mainly by detractors particularly the Opposition. Despite all this, here is a good example of effective leadership. This is something for others to learn. In my long political career I have seen leaders hesitating taking such steps once an issue becomes hot in the media.
Leaders think that any action will be taken as a reaction to the pressure build up by media and it would show them in poor light. But they miss an opportunity to show courage to stand by what is right by their conscience and conviction. Sonia Gandhiji and Rahul Gandhiji are no doubt my party leaders, but they deserve all praise and appreciation for taking bold steps of setting example of initiating economy measures even as our friends in BJP have their shouting brigades calling all this a sham.
Our scriptures are full of stories of kings ruling by example of practice before preach. Whatsoever may be the reason behind the debate, I feel it has shown to the country what makes a leader and what the quality difference of leadership is.