
June 16, 2024

Press Note 16-6-24 :- GIDC SCAM

Press Statement of ShriShaktisinhjiGohil,

President, Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee




Instead of auctioning of land plots that can fetch Rs 10000 per sq meter price, GIDC is allotting land plots atmereRs 2845per sqmetre, causingmassiverevenuelossto thestatetreasury.


GIDC is planning to allot nearly two million or 20 lakh square meters lands in Dahej and Saykha at the samerate.


It’sascamofmorethanRs2000crore.It’sadirectlossofmorethanRs2000croretothestateexchequer.WhyCM is notvisiting theGIDC officein Gandhinagar?

Why CM Bhupendra Patel did not object when GIDC board flip flopped and first declared Dahej and Saykhaas saturated zones and then reversed the decision. Besides the GIDC management, industries department,whoelseareinvolved in thescam?

By not auctioning the land plots, the GIDC officials are causing massive loss of revenues to the statetreasury.TheGIDCofficialsandentireindustriesdepartmentarecommittingmoneylaundering.

Idemandthat theCM mustorder aprobebytheEDfor moneylaundering.

Gujarat Government has become synonymous with escalating corruption and incompetence. Perhaps, this isthe most corrupt and incompetent government in the entire country today. In this corrupt regime, everydepartment, every PSU, every board or corporation of the state is neck deep in corruption, irregularities andmalpractices.

I have repeatedly highlighted with help from media persons/journalists about corruption in GSPC, GUVNLand other departments and PSUs. This regime has not spared any government entity while turning the entirestate and its vast resources into money making machines for its ruling party leaders, ministers, itsfunctionariesand handpicked bureaucrats.

Today, I am exposing the mind boggling corruption in one very important corporation of the state. Thiscorporation ever since it was created during the past Congress government played a vital role in industrialdevelopmentof th state.

Gujarat Industrial development Corporation (GIDC) is known for aiding process of industrialisation inGujarat. In the past during the successive Congress governments, GIDC was a key part of the government tomake the state an industrial hub. It was during the Congress governments that GIDC successfully helpeddevelopindustrialbeltfromVapitoVatva,fromDahejinBharuchtoKalolandChhatralinMehsanatoHalolinPanchmahal.

Thanks to the progressive policies during those governments and proactive approach, the state became amagnatefor industrial development.

Unfortunately in last more than two decades, corruption has become the main industry during the BJPgovernment.

WhatishappeninginGIDCisnotonlyshockingforthegovernment,it’sshockingforthebusinessandentrepreneurs community and people of Gujarat, who are known for their business acumen andentrepreneurialabilities and spirit.

A handful of people, ministers, bureaucrats and BJP leaders are exploiting GIDC at the cost of publicexchequerand extorting thebusinessmen andcorporates.

I’m disclosing explosive details about the workings and happenings in theGIDC,anodalagencyfordevelopmentofindustrialestatesinthestate.

InApril2023,GIDChad invitedapplicationsforplotsranging from20000to60000squaremetreforSykhaGIDC,which isachemical zonewhereland ishighly soughtafter.

The GIDC received many applications in response to the advertisement. In June 2023, the GIDCmanagement decided to reject all applications and decided to declare Sykha and Dahej GIDCs as saturatedGIDC.And aGR was issued for thesame.

When you declare any area or GIDC as saturated; that means there were only few plot available and all theremaining plots in the possession of GIDC would be sold via auction, which would bring in more revenue forthestate.

In2023inthesamearea,aleadingpaintmakerAsianPaints boughtaplotthereatRs7000persquaremetre,plus stamp duty, transfer charges, lease deed and GST. Another company Meghmani also bought the plot atRs8500 per squaremetreplus other charges.

It may be noted that demand for plots in Saykha and Dahej is massive due to their locations, infrastructureandalso dueto shortageof land there.

SuddenlybeforetheLokSabhapolls,inahighlysuspiciousandmysteriousmanner,theGIDCmanagementand the industries department in February 2024, reverted its earlier decision of declaring Saykha and Dahejassaturated estates.Thiswas for thefirst time, theGIDC reverted suchadecision.

Both Dahej and Saykha estates were overnight declared unsaturated, which means plots can be allotted atJantrirate,whichisRs2845persquaremetreforDahejandRs3075 persquaremetreforSaykhaestate.

In the year 2022, GIDC had conducted auctions of plots in chemical zone in Jhagadia and Panoli GIDCestates where base prices were fixed at Rs 6000 and Rs 7500 per square metre respectively. The auction wassuccessful and all plots were sold immediately. At that time, allotment rate of Jhagadia GIDC was at Rs 1660per square metre and for Panoli, it was Rs 2180 per square metre while in auction, the plots were sold ataboveRs 6000 and for Panoli aboveRs 7500.

I demand the state government to explain why it had to revert its decision with regard to Dahej and SaykhaGIDCestates?


Why the government does not want to hold public auctions of the plots available in GIDC estates in DahejandSaykha.

Asperthesettledlaw,auctionofnaturalresourcesshouldbethemosteffectivemethodaspertheSupremeCourt order in the case of coal block allotments and telecom spectrum. Why the same is not being done forlandplots in GIDC.This entiresagasmacksof corruption andirregularities.


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