
May 8, 2014

Press Note Eng Dt:08/05/2014 on Modi is fake OBC

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Office of Shaktisinh Gohil

National Spokesperson, AICC


   Press Note                                                                    08th May, 2014

Modi is fake OBC

           Of late Gujarat chief minister has been indulging in a low level of political gimmickry. He has been desperately trying to invoke his OBC status and garner sympathy. Modi does not belong to Other Backward Communities as he has been claiming to exploit OBC votes. He belongs to rich and prosperous Modh Ghanchis who were never given any kind of reservation nor were included in OBCs before Modi became CM.

          In a major disclosure national AICC spokesman Shaktisinh Gohil has EXPOSED Gujarat CM and his dirty divisive politics. He today made a sensational disclosure and produced the Government resolution dated : 1/1/2002 before the media which established that Modi manipulated government records and included his caste Modh Ghanchi in the OBC list.

          Giving details of the subtle manipulation Modi did after becoming Chief Minister, Gohil said that Ghanchis who were muslims were among OBCs, but not prosperous Modh Ghanchis to which Modi belongs. Modi Government issued a circular on1-1-2002 that Modh Ghanchis are also included in OBC from 1/1/2002. It must be noted that Modi became CM in September 2001.

          Gohil released a copy of the circular No:  sshap/1197/I-4/a dated: 1/1/2002 which brought this change in the OBC list of Gujarat. He said that this manipulation was like the fake encounters by which he managed to promote his image.

          He also quoted from the authentic Gujarati lexicon Bhagvadgomandal which says that Modh are rich people living in a particular village. Gandhiji was a modh vanik, he said. Modh is an adjective showing prosperity status of a particular caste or community.

          By acquiring OBC status for his selfish motives, Modi has in fact encroached upon the right of members of OBC, Gohil said. Modi is a man born in upper caste and is indulging in low level politics. A man’s actions have nothing to do with his caste. The best example of this was Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Gohil pointed out.

          Narendra Modi has been making loud claims of whether it is a sin to be of this particular caste? No Mr Modi, it is not a crime to be of any caste or community. we are a secular nation and equality is enshrined in our constitution But it definitely is a crime to put your own self in OBC strata and then cry discrimination.

          This is exactly what Mr modi did. He belongs to Modh Ghanchi community which is basically and traditionally a prosperous trading community of gujarat
but after Mr Modi took over as Chief Minister of gujarat what did he do?
He put himself in OBC class!

          Now Modi is projecting himself as a man who used to sell tea in the childhood but this is an utter lie. He never sold tea. The fact is that he used to sit in the canteen of one of his relatives to spend his time, Gohil said. In reality he has ruined lives of many chaiwaalas by demolishing their shops and larris.

           He has given precious land to his businessmen friends at throw away price. Instead, he could have helped millions of chaiwaalas by providing financial assistance to them, Gohil said. His approach is anti poor and full of self interest.


Encl: – Click here to view/download copy of the circular.

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