
July 10, 2016

Press Note Eng Dt: 10/07/2016

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Office of Shaktisinh Gohil

National Spokesperson, AICC & MLA, Abdasa


Press Note                                                                                                10th July, 2016  

          Modi government is trying to distract the attention of people from government sponsored Rs 45,000 crore mega scam blaming the UPA government, national spokesperson of Congress Shaktisinh Gohil said. Reacting to Modi government’s response to the exposure made by Congress, he said the scam of private service provider companies came out after a long drawn battle by UPA government against the companies which did not want audit by CAG. Now when it is the time of recovery of Rs 45,000 crore and further investigations by CAG, Modi government is creating a cover for these companies and blaming UPA government.

          Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley should be concerned that people’s money in government coffers is not misused. But, he is advocating for telecom companies which are involved in Rs.45,000 crore mega telephone. Since 1999 private telephone companies were allowing neither the government nor the CAG to audit their accounts. The UPA government at the Centre through a transfer petition took the matter to Supreme Court and ensured that all matters of telecom companies where they had obtained stay in different courts in the country were transferred to the SC. Due to efforts of UPA government SC gave a favourable decision in 2014 which stated that CAG can audit accounts of private telephone companies. Thus it was because of the UPA government that doors were opened for CAG audit of the companies which were siphoning government money since 1999 when BJP was in power in centre.

          Accordingly CAG carried out audit of these companies for 4 years and the government has to recover a staggering Rs.12,000 crore from private telecom companies. CAG is an impartiall and constitutional audit agency. Even after CAG audit Minister Ravi Shanker Prasad has asked for audit from empanelled agencies which is clear case of corruption. Why another audit after CAG audit? Why does Modi government not go for concurrent audit from 1999 to 2016? Instead of replying to these basic questions Mr. Jaitley and Mr. Prasad are advocating for telecom companies which proves that the entire Modi government is involved in Rs.45,000 crore corruption. The ministers who are misleading people by saying that the scam was between 2006 to 2010 during Congress rule should get audit done from 1999 to 2016 then scam worth billions of rupees will come out. The erstwhile BJP government at the Centre did not make any efforts for CAG audit of private telecom companies which did not allow audit of their accounts. Congress cleared the way for CAG audit but now audit by private auditors is nothing but government’s involvement in corruption.
