
Shaktisinh Gohil

Press Note 16-6-24 :- GIDC SCAM

Press Statement of ShriShaktisinhjiGohil, President, Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee   GIDCscam AhugescamisbeingcommittedbytheGIDCinlandallotmentinDahejandSaykha. Instead of auctioning of land plots that can fetch Rs 10000 per sq meter price, GIDC is allotting land plots atmereRs 2845per sqmetre, causingmassiverevenuelossto thestatetreasury. GIDChasalreadymadeallotmentofmorethanfivelakhsquaremetresplotsatRs2845persquaremetre. GIDC is planning to allot nearly two million or 20 lakh square […]

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