Title: AhmedabadStart Time: 17:00Date: 2009-09-14End Time: 23:00
Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha
Title: AhmedabadStart Time: 17:00Date: 2009-09-14End Time: 23:00
clik-here-dt310809 clik-here-dt100909 dt1109092 dt1109091 Title: AhmedabadStart Time: 9:30Date: 2009-09-11End Time: 22:00
dt12-130909 Title: Bhavnagar Umarala AhmedabadStart Date: 2009-09-12Start Time: 10:30End Date: 2009-09-13End Time: 22:15
Gujarat Assembly, Descent of Democracy In the past few years Gujarat Assembly is gaining dubious distinction of a democratic institution that is being misused and abused by sheer power of numbers of members of the ruling party. The rules are misinterpreted to suit the whims of the Chief Minister and […]
Vandita Mishra : Tags : Gujarat CM, Narendra Modi Posted: Sunday , Sep 06, 2009 at 0337 hrs Ahmedabad: Vallata paani chhe (the waters are receding). As Gujarat gears up for seven Assembly by-polls next Thursday, this is the phrase being spoken and heard in the political corridors of Gandhinagar […]
clik-here-060909 Title: AhmedadStart Time: 9:00Date: 2009-09-06End Time: 14:00
clik-here-dt04-05-09-09 Title: Khambha-KodinarStart Date: 2009-09-04Start Time: 7:00End Date: 2009-09-05End Time: 14:00
clik-here-dt030909 Title: Ahmedabad DahegamStart Time: 14:00Date: 2009-09-03End Time: 18:00
clik-here-dt020909-1 Title: AHMEDABADStart Time: 17:00Date: 2009-09-02End Time: 22:00
Advani and moral honesty BJP is crumbling under attack of its own dissenting missiles. But the developments cannot be ignored as internal matter of the party. There are some developments particularly relating to L K Advani that require a serious debate on ground of morality in public life. Vote for […]
Watch Shakti Sinh Gohils victory procession in Bhavnagar
dt31-08-09 Title: amadavad Start Time: 19:00 Date: 2009-08-31 End Time: 23:00
Jaswant’s Controversy and Intellectual Hypocrisy of BJP The controversy over the book of Jaswant Singh has exposed the hollowness of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The party has always tried to project itself as party of intellectuals. But the fall out of the controversy shows that it was never a […]
Modi’s vibrant gujarat is a myth. It is a facade woven by a meglomaniac. Vibrant Gujarat’s mathematic, vibrant gujarat’s hype, vibrant gujarat’s so called summits are all an eye wash. The reality is starkingly different. The 5.5 crore population of Gujarat has a right to know the truth. Show casing […]
Tour Program 18th May : Click Here to View